07 February 2011

3 AM Thoughts

I sometimes despise grading. I know it's important for me to assess how my students are understanding the material, but sometimes it just drains me of my will to live energy.

Also, I'm just not as young as I used to be. Weird how time'll do that to you, huh? Every time. :) But, seriously, I think I hit a brick wall at 10:30 a lot more often than I used to. I push through it, but it's become a LOT harder. I hope the things I'm spending my time on are worth the sacrifice of sleep...

And... How do you balance your life when everything seems so important? I know, I know... Sunday school answers. Pray. Read my scriptures. Put the Lord first and everything will fall into place. Have an eternal perspective... I'm trying. I suppose Satan has me pegged, working incessantly on my every doubt and insecurity. That little bugger.

I'm exhausted. I need sleep...

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