18 February 2011

Near To You

I love Thursdays. Or, rather, I love Thursday evenings. I can let myself take a break and breathe and realize I've [almost] made it through another week. It's a good feeling. :) That, and it means Friday is coming, and I just LOVE Fridays.

I've been busy lately with grading and working on my thesis and pretending like I know how to navigate my way through grad school. And spending late hours with good friends and cute boys. I really am so blessed, and I have a tendency to get so bogged down and forget about that...

But not lately. See, I write in my journal faithfully every night. I typically try to write things that are true to how I see them, but I tend to stay as positive as possible in light of the fact that sometimes I go back and read them (and who knows who'll read these things in the future...) and I really hate reading my negative thoughts. In an effort to be more positive and to recognize my blessings, I began writing down "My 3 Happies" for each day at the end of each journal entry. That is, I pick my three favorite things from that day and record them for posterity. It's helped me to focus on the great things in my life. It's interesting, especially, to think back on those few really bad days I've had and to remember the flood of blessings I was able to recall on those nights. It certainly has been a humbling experience. :) Anyway, I thought I'd share with you a few of my favorite Happies from this year so far. They've certainly blessed my life! And remembering them is helping to keep me sane. :)

Saturday, 1 January
Singing in the car with my family on the way to dinner (At the top of our lungs) (Even if it was to Ke$ha).

Monday, 3 January
E saying "I love you, Sanannah!"

Wednesday, 5 January
Going to the Temple! And cute old Temple workers. The little old man who confirmed me said this as I sat down: "Sister S? And she has gorgeous hair!" It made me happy.

Wednesday, 5 January
I taught a 300-level college class and didn't die!

Friday, 7 January
Dancing with K in her car with the music turned way up, just for fun. It was awesome! :D

Tuesday, 11 January
J posted a link to Elder Holland's talk, "Good Things to Come," on my FB wall. Such true words...

Friday, 14 January
Dressing up ridiculous and rocking out hardcore!

Friday, 14 January
Flirting with other boys, and not feeling too guilty about it...

Monday, 17 January
Accidentally making J's power go out... (In her ENTIRE house). It was SO funny! And we didn't know what to do, so we went to Macey's for ice cream, and danced to the Valentine's cards with music in the greeting card aisle.

Friday, 21 January
Making new friends and having an instant connection to them through service.

Monday, 24 January
Calling home and talking with E and M and S and L... I just love my family!

Tuesday, 25 January
I almost passed out, but I was helped by awesome, caring guys who didn't even know me! And I lived to tell the tale!

Monday, 31 January
I ate cookies for breakfast. Happy Monday morning to me!

Sunday, 6 February
Girl time this evening was awesome - I love being completely ridiculous and slightly irrational.

Thursday, 10 February
Valentine's conversation hearts. Because they're just so funny and tender sometimes.

Saturday, 12 February
I drove a snowmobile! And I didn't die! I was able to overcome my fear, have tons of fun, and realize how grateful I am to R for encouraging me and for being someone I can trust.

Sunday, 13 February
Home teachers who truly care - who love me as a person and as a friend, not just because they are assigned to love me.

Sunday, 13 February
Dancing and singing and rocking out with K and J in the back of L's car on the way back from Payson. I love those girls and their sweetness and craziness!

So....yeah. I've realized recently just how much I depend on and love other people. I think I'm an extremely social person, and I'm so grateful for the relationships I've been able to build and the experiences I've had. :) And also, I apparently have a propensity to dance and sing in cars (with or without other people...). Trust me - I do it every stinkin' morning on the way to campus. And I LOVE it! Keeps life fun. :)

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